Alaraph is a mockumentary done in short form about one man and what he goes through. We are presented a style we are used to seeing with many animal documentaries with a twist of a man that is in many ways human, but he has to cope with the differences.
Alaraph was screened at the 2019 FilmQuest film festival (website). It was nominated for Best Fantastic Short and Best Editing. Ton Vorselaars won for Best Cinematography.
Synopsis: When the first and only mating-season of a mythical being begins, his romantic character clashes with the current always-online society.
I would recommend Alaraph to those who find interest in the study of human behavior and how we cope as individuals and as a species.
Guust Mulder was kind enough to share some of their insights to the creation of Alaraph and themselves.
What was the inspiration for Alaraph?
· Extreme characters in Japanese anime series like one piece
· BBC life
· Barton Fink
· Conversations with a good friend about tinder
What project(s) do you have coming up you're excited about?
Right now, a new script is finished, it has a lot of dialogue so completely different from Alaraph.
It's titled: The Restitution.
No more crowdfunding this time though. But we'll get there.
What was your early inspiration for pursuing a career in film?
Seeing The Matrixand the fellowship of the ring for the first time. Both blew my mind.
It led me to binge watching the IMDb top 100 and saving money for my own camera.
What would be your dream project?
I love films that create a universe. Living their own life beyond the movie. Like Star Wars.
Characters that people want action figures of. Imagine people having an Alaraph like action figure.
Not quite there yet though.
What are some of your favorite pastimes when not working on a movie?
Carelessly playing football in the summer with my friends.
What is one of your favorite movies and why?
For me a brilliant story and mind-blowing way of telling it.
The editing and narration force you to get inside the mind of the main character.
Alaraph is currently playing on the film festival circuit.
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