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vendredi 22 mai 2020

What Is Keylogger? Uses Of Keylogger In Hacking ?

What is keylogger? 

How does hacker use keylogger to hack social media account and steal important data for money extortion and many uses of keylogger ?

Types of keylogger? 


Keylogger is a tool that hacker use to monitor and record the keystroke you made on your keyboard. Keylogger is the action of recording the keys struck on a keyboard and it has capability to record every keystroke made on that system as well as monitor screen recording also. This is the oldest forms of malware.

Sometimes it is called a keystroke logger or system monitor is a type of surveillance technology used to monitor and record each keystroke type a specific computer's keyboard. It is also available for use on smartphones such as Apple,I-phone and Android devices.

A keylogger can record instant messages,email and capture any information you type at any time using your keyboard,including usernames password of your social media ac and personal identifying pin etc thats the reason some hacker use it to hack social media account for money extortion.


Use of keylogger are as follows- 

1-Employers to observe employee's computer activity. 

2-Attacker / Hacker used for hacking some crucial data of any organisation for money extortion.

3-Parental Control is use to supervise their children's internet usage and check to control the browsing history of their child.

4-Criminals use keylogger to steal personal or financial information such as banking details credit card details etc and then which they will sell and earn a good profit. 

5-Spouse/Gf tracking-if you are facing this issue that your Spouse or Gf is cheating on you then you can install a keylogger on her cell phone to monitor her activities over the internet whatever you want such as check Whats app, facebook and cell phone texts messages etc . 


Basically there are two types of keylogger either the software or hardware but the most common types of keylogger across both these are as follows-

1-API based keylogger 

2-Form Grabbing Based Keylogger 

3-Kernal Based Keylogger 

4-Acoustic Keylogger ETC . 


How to detect keylogger on a system?

An antikeylogger is a piece of software specially designed to detect it on a computer. 

Sometype of keylogger are easily detected and removed by the best antivirus software. 

You can view  the task manager(list of current programs) on a windows PC by Ctrl+Alt+Del to detect it.

Use of any software to perform any illegal activity is a crime, Do at your own risk.

More info

  1. Herramientas Hacking Etico
  2. Machine Learning Hacking
  3. Ingeniería Social. El Arte Del Hacking Personal Pdf
  4. What Is Growth Hacking
  5. Hacking Cracking
  6. Black Hacker
  7. Hacking Academy
  8. Amiibo Hacking
  9. Hacking With Swift
  10. Hacking Code
  11. Que Estudia Un Hacker
  12. Hacking Language
  13. Hacking Wifi Android

iCloudBrutter - AppleID Bruteforce

iCloudBrutter is a simple python (3.x) script to perform basic bruteforce attack againts AppleID.

Usage of iCloudBrutter for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. iCloudBrutter developer not responsible to any damage caused by iCloudBrutter.

$ git clone
$ cd iCloudBrutter
$ pip3 install requests,urllib3,socks
$ python3

Read more

mercredi 20 mai 2020

Hacking Windows 95, Part 2

In the Hacking Windows 95, part 1 blog post, we covered that through a nasty bug affecting Windows 95/98/ME, the share password can be guessed in no time. In this article, I'm going to try to use this vulnerability to achieve remote code execution (with the help of publicly available tools only).

The first thing we can do when we have read access to the Windows directory through the share, is to locate all the *.pwl files on the c:\windows directory, copy them to your machine where Cain is installed, switch to Cracker tab, pwl files, load the pwl file, add username based on the filename, and try to crack it. If you can't crack it you might still try to add a .pwl file where you already know the password in the remote windows directory. Although this is a fun post-exploitation task, but still, no remote code execution. These passwords are useless without physical access.

One might think that after having a share password and user password, it is easy to achieve remote code execution. The problem is:
  • there is no "at" command (available since Windows 95 plus!)
  • there is no admin share
  • there is no RPC
  • there is no named pipes
  • there is no remote registry
  • there is no remote service management
If you think about security best practices, disabling unnecessary services is always the first task you should do. Because Windows 95 lacks all of these services, it is pretty much secure!

During my quest for a tool to hack Windows 95, I came across some pretty cool stuff:

But the best of the best is Fluxay, which has been written by chinese hackers. It is the metasploit from the year 2000. A screenshot is worth more than a 1000 words. 4 screenshot > 4 thousand words :)

It is pretty hard to find the installer, but it is still out there!

But at the end, no remote code execution for me.

My idea here was that if I can find a file which executes regularly (on a scheduled basis), I can change that executable to my backdoor and I'm done. Although there is no scheduler in the default Windows 95, I gave it a try. 

Let's fire up taskman.exe to get an idea what processes are running:

Looks like we need a more powerful tool here, namely Process Explorer. Let's try to download this from

LOL, IE3 hangs, can't render the page. Copying files to the Win95 VM is not that simple, because there are no shared folders in Win95 VM. And you can't use pendrives either, Win95 can't handle USB (at least the retail version). After downloading the application with a newer browser from oldapps, let's start Process Explorer on the test Windows 95.

Don't try to download the Winsocks 2 patch from the official MS site, it is not there anymore, but you can download it from other sites

Now let's look at the processes running:

After staring it for minutes, turned out it is constant, no new processes appeared.
Looking at the next screenshot, one can notice this OS was not running a lot of background processes ...

My current Win7 has 1181 threads and 84 processes running, no wonder it is slow as hell :)

We have at least the following options:
  1. You are lucky and not the plain Windows 95 is installed, but Windows 95 Plus! The main difference here is that Windows 95 Plus! has built-in scheduler, especially the "at" command. Just overwrite a file which is scheduled to execution, and wait. Mission accomplished!
  2. Ping of death - you can crash the machine (no BSOD, just crash) with long (over 65535 bytes) ICMP ping commands, and wait for someone to reboot it. Just don't forget to put your backdoor on the share and add it to autoexec.bat before crashing it. 
  3. If your target is a plain Windows 95, I believe you are out of luck. No at command, no named pipes, no admin share, nothing. Meybe you can try to fuzz port 137 138 139, and write an exploit for those. Might be even Ping of Death is exploitable?
Let's do the first option, and hack Windows 95 plus!
Look at the cool features we have by installing Win95 Plus!

Cool new boot splash screen!

But our main interest is the new, scheduled tasks!

Now we can replace diskalm.exe with our backdoor executable, and wait maximum one hour to be scheduled.

Instead of a boring text based tutorial, I created a YouTube video for you. Based on the feedbacks on my previous tutorialz, it turned out I'm way too old, and can't do interesting tutorials. That's why I analyzed the cool skiddie videoz, and found that I have to do the followings so my vidz won't suck anymore:
  • use cool black windows theme
  • put meaningless performance monitor gadgets on the sidebar
  • use a cool background, something related with hacking and skullz
  • do as many opsec fails as possible
  • instead of captions, use notepad with spelling errorz
  • there is only one rule of metal: Play it fuckin' loud!!!!

More info

mardi 19 mai 2020


" Ophcrack is an open source (GPL license) program that cracks Windows LM hashes using rainbow tables. The program includes the ability to import the hashes from a variety of formats, including dumping directly from the SAM files of Windows. There is also a Live CD version which automates the retrieval, decryption, and cracking of passwords from a Windows system. Rainbow tables for LM hashes of alphanumeric passwords are provided for free by the developers. These tables can crack 99.9% of alphanumeric passwords of up to 14 characters in usually a few seconds, and at most a few minutes. Larger rainbow tables (for LM hashes of passwords with all printable characters, including symbols and space) are available for purchase from Objectif Securité. Starting with version 2.3, Ophcrack also cracks NT hashes. This is necessary if generation of the LM hash is disabled (this is default on Windows Vista), or if the password is longer than 14 characters (in which case the LM hash is not stored)." read more...


More information



CoWPAtty is a wifi password cracking tool. Implementation of a dictionary attack against WPA/WPA2 networks using PSK-based authentication (e.g. WPA-Personal). Many enterprise networks deploy PSK-based authentication mechanisms for WPA/WPA2 since it is much easier than establishing the necessary RADIUS, supplicant and certificate authority architecture needed for WPA-Enterprise authentication. Cowpatty can implement an accelerated attack if a precomputed PMK file is available for the SSID that is being assessed. Download coWPAtty wifi password cracking tool.
It's a pre-built tool for Kali Linux which you can find in the /usr/local/bin directory. It's also available for the windows but it doesn't work as fine as it does in the Kali.


For windows, you can download it from here. As it becomes pre-built in Kali, you do not need to download it. You just have to follow the path /usr/local/bin directory to find it in your Kali Linux OS.

Related word

lundi 18 mai 2020

One Reason Why InfoSec Sucked In The Past 20 Years - The "Security Tips" Myth

From time to time, I get disappointed how much effort and money is put into securing computers, networks, mobile phones, ... and yet in 2016 here we are, where not much has changed on the defensive side. There are many things I personally blame for this situation, and one of them is the security tips.

The goal of these security tips is that if the average user follows these easy to remember rules, their computer will be safe. Unfortunately, by the time people integrate these rules into their daily life, these rules either become outdated, or these rules were so oversimplified that it was never true in the first place. Some of these security tips might sound ridiculous to people in InfoSec nowadays, but this is exactly what people still remember because we told them so for years.

PDF is safe to open

This is an oldie. I think this started at the time of macro viruses. Still, people think opening a PDF from an untrusted source is safer than opening a Word file. For details why this is not true, check:
On an unrelated note, people still believe PDF is integrity protected because the content cannot be changed (compared to a Word document).
Image stolen from Kaspersky

Java is secure

One of the best ones. Oracle started marketing Java as a safe language, where buffer overflows, format strings and pointer-based vulnerabilities are gone. Unfortunately, they forgot to tell the world that instead of "unsafe programs developed by others" they installed their unsafe program on 3 billion devices. 

Stay away from rogue websites and you will be safe

This is a very common belief I hear from average people. "I only visit some trusted news sites and social media, I never visit those shady sites." I have some bad news. At the time of malvertising and infected websites, you don't have to visit those shady sites anymore to get infected.

Don't use open WiFi

I have a very long explanation of why this makes no sense, see here. Actually, the whole recommendation makes no sense as people will connect to public WiFis, no matter what we (InfoSec) recommend.

The password policy nightmare

Actually, this topic has been covered by myself in two blog posts, see here and here. Long story short: use a password manager and 2-factor authentication wherever possible. Let the password manager choose the password for you. And last but not least, corporate password policy sux.

Sites with a padlock are safe

We tell people for years that the communication with HTTPS sites are safe, and you can be sure it is HTTPS by finding a randomly changing padlock icon somewhere next to the URL. What people hear is that sites with padlocks are safe. Whatever that means. The same goes for WiFi - a network with a padlock is safe.

Use Linux, it is free from malware

For years people told to Windows users that only if they would use Linux they won't have so much malware. Thanks to Android, now everyone in the world can enjoy malware on his/her Linux machine.

OSX is free from malware

It is true that there is significantly less malware on OSX than on Windows, but this is an "economical" question rather than a "security" one. The more people use OSX, the better target it will become. Some people even believe they are safe from phishing because they are using a Mac!

Updated AV + firewall makes me 100% safe

There is no such thing as 100% safe, and unfortunately, nowadays most malware is written for PROFIT, which means it can bypass these basic protections for days (or weeks, months, years). The more proactive protection is built into the product, the better!

How to backup data

Although this is one of the most important security tips which is not followed by people, my problem here is not the backup data advise, but how we as a community failed to provide easy to use ways to do that. Now that crypto-ransomware is a real threat to every Windows (and some OSX) users, even those people who have backups on their NAS can find their backups lost. The only hope is that at least OSX has Time Machine which is not targeted yet, and the only backup solution which really works.
The worst part is that we even created NAS devices which can be infected via worms ...

Disconnect your computer from the Internet when not used

There is no need to comment on this. Whoever recommends things like that, clearly has a problem.

Use (free) VPN to protect your anonimity

First of all. There is no such thing as free service. If it is free, you are the service. On another hand, a non-free VPN can introduce new vulnerablities, and they won't protect your anonymity. It replaces one ISP with another (your VPN provider). Even TOR cannot guarantee anonymity by itself, and VPNs are much worse.

The corporate "security tips" myth

"Luckily" these toxic security tips have infected the enterprise environment as well, not just the home users.

Use robots.txt to hide secret information on public websites

It is 2016 and somehow web developers still believe in this nonsense. And this is why this is usually the first to check on a website for penetration testers or attackers.

My password policy is safer than ever

As previously discussed, passwords are bad. Very bad. And they will stick with us for decades ...

Use WAF, IDS, IPS, Nextgen APT detection hibber-gibber and you will be safe

Companies should invest more in people and less into magic blinking devices.

Instead of shipping computers with bloatware, ship computers with exploit protection software
Teach people how to use a password safe
Teach people how to use 2FA
Teach people how to use common-sense


Computer security is complex, hard and the risks change every year. Is this our fault? Probably. But these kinds of security tips won't help us save the world. 

Read more
  1. Hacking Youtube
  2. Hacking Ético Curso
  3. Pagina Hacker
  4. Como Hacer Hacker
  5. Tools For Hacking Wifi
  6. Hacking With Swift
  7. Que Es Growth Hacking
  8. Hacking Etico Certificacion
  9. Hacking Cracking
  10. Hacker Profesional
  11. Como Empezar En El Hacking
  12. Growth Hacking Ejemplos
  13. Etica Definicion

Thousand Ways To Backdoor A Windows Domain (Forest)

When the Kerberos elevation of privilege (CVE-2014-6324 / MS14-068) vulnerability has been made public, the remediation paragraph of the following blog post made some waves:

"The only way a domain compromise can be remediated with a high level of certainty is a complete rebuild of the domain."

Personally, I agree with this, but .... But whether this is the real solution, I'm not sure. And the same applies to compromised computers. When it has been identified that malware was able to run on the computer (e.g. scheduled scan found the malware), there is no easy way to determine with 100% certainty that there is no rootkit on the computer. Thus rebuilding the computer might be a good thing to consider. For paranoids, use new hardware ;)

But rebuilding a single workstation and rebuilding a whole domain is not on the same complexity level. Rebuilding a domain can take weeks or months (or years, which will never happen, as the business will close before that).

There are countless documented methods to backdoor a computer, but I have never seen a post where someone collects all the methods to backdoor a domain. In the following, I will refer to domain admin, but in reality, I mean Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins, and Schema Admins.

Ways to backdoor a domain

So here you go, an incomplete list to backdoor a domain:

  • Create a new domain admin user. Easy to do, easy to detect, easy to remediate
  • Dump password hashes. The attacker can either crack those or just pass-the-hash. Since KB2871997, pass-the-hash might be trickier (, but not impossible. Easy to do, hard to detect, hard to remediate - just think about service user passwords. And during remediation, consider all passwords compromised, even strong ones.
  • Logon scripts - modify the logon scripts and add something malicious in it. Almost anything detailed in this post can be added :D
  • Use an already available account, and add domain admin privileges to that. Reset its password. Mess with current group memberships - e.g.
  • Backdoor any workstation where domain admins login. While remediating workstations, don't forget to clean the roaming profile. The type of backdoor can use different forms: malware, local admin, password (hidden admin with 500 RID), sticky keys, etc.
  • Backdoor any domain controller server. For advanced attacks, see Skeleton keys 
  • Backdoor files on network shares which are commonly used by domain admins by adding malware to commonly used executables - Backdoor factory
  • Change ownership/permissions on AD partitions - if you have particular details on how to do this specifically, please comment
  • Create a new domain user. Hide admin privileges with SID history. Easy to do, hard to detect, easy to remediate - check Mimikatz experimental for addsid
  • Golden tickets - easy to do, hard to detect, medium remediation
  • Silver tickets - easy to do, hard to detect, medium/hard remediation
  • Backdoor workstations/servers via group policy
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ RunOnce,
    • scheduled tasks (run task 2 years later),
    • sticky-keys with debug
  • Backdoor patch management tool, see slides here
[Update 2017.01.10]

Other tricks

The following list does not fit in the previous "instant admin" tips, but still, it can make the attackers life easier if their primary foothold has been disabled:

  • Backdoor recent backups - and when the backdoor is needed, destroy the files, so the files will be restored from the backdoored backup
  • Backdoor the Exchange server - get a copy of emails
  • Backdoor workstation/server golden image
  • Change permission of logon scripts to allow modification later
  • Place malicious symlinks to file shares, collect hashes via SMB auth tries on specified IP address, grab password hashes later
  • Backdoor remote admin management e.g. HP iLO - e.g. create new user or steal current password
  • Backdoor files e.g. on shares to use in SMB relay
  • Backdoor source code of in-house-developed software
  • Use any type of sniffed or reused passwords in new attacks, e.g. network admin, firewall admin, VPN admin, AV admin, etc.
  • Change the content of the proxy pac file (change browser configuration if necessary), including special exception(s) for a chosen domain(s)  to use proxy on malicious IP. Redirect the traffic, enforce authentication, grab password hashes, ???, profit.
  • Create high privileged users in applications running with high privileges, e.g. MSSQL, Tomcat, and own the machine, impersonate users, grab their credentials, etc. The typical pentest path made easy.
  • Remove patches from servers, change patch policy not to install those patches.
  • Steal Windows root/intermediate CA keys
  • Weaken AD security by changing group policy (e.g. re-enabling LM-hashes)
Update [2015-09-27]: I found this great presentation from Jakob Heidelberg. It mentions (at least) the following techniques, it is worth to check these:
  • Microsoft Local Administrator Password Solution
  • Enroll virtual smart card certificates for domain admins


If you have been chosen to remediate a network where attackers gained domain admin privileges, well, you have a lot of things to look for :)

I can recommend two tools which can help you during your investigation:

Lessons learned

But guess what, not all of these problems are solved by rebuilding the AD. One has to rebuild all the computers from scratch as well. Which seems quite impossible. When someone is creating a new AD, it is impossible not to migrate some configuration/data/files from the old domain. And whenever this happens, there is a risk that the new AD will be backdoored as well.

Ok, we are doomed, but what can we do? I recommend proper log analysis, analyze trends, and detect strange patterns in your network. Better spend money on these, than on the domain rebuild. And when you find something, do a proper incident response. And good luck!

Ps: Thanks to Andrew, EQ, and Tileo for adding new ideas to this post.

Check out the host backdooring post as well! :)
More info
  1. Web Hacking 101
  2. Growth Hacking Madrid
  3. Growth Hacking Marketing
  4. Hacking Mac
  5. Wifi Hacking
  6. Hardware Hacking
  7. Black Hacker
  8. Hacking Hardware Tools
  9. Hacking Linux
  10. Hacker Etico
  11. Hacking Wireless 101 Pdf
  12. Hacking Python
  13. Hacking Definition
  14. Hacking Google Home Mini
  15. Hacking Wifi
  16. Nivel Basico

15 Hidden Android Features You Should Know

While Android has matured by leaps and bounds, it's still going through the refinement phase. Over time, Google has both added and removed many popular features in Android. Sometimes the features are completely removed. However, in many cases, they make it to the Settings page or they are buried under different hidden places inside Android. That's why we have come up with this article where we unearth 15 hidden Android features that are quite interesting and helpful. So, let's go ahead and explore some unique Android features which are available on our Android devices.

Hidden Android Features

Here, we have mentioned several hidden Android features ranging from privacy, security, ease of use and more. Further, we have also added some obscure Android features which were released recently but might have gone under the radar. Now with that said, here are the hidden Android features that you should know and use often.

1. Block Spam Calls

The one feature that I turn on whenever I set up a new Android device is: filter spam calls. It saves me from unwanted calls by telemarketers, fraudsters and spammers. If you use a stock Android device, you must have the Phone app by Google installed as your default dialer. To enable spam call blocking, open the Phone app and tap on the three-dot menu on the top-right corner and open Settings. After that, open "Caller ID and spam" and enable both the toggles. Now, whenever you will receive a call by spammers, the screen won't light up or make any sound. It's almost like DND with Total Silence turned on.

1. Block Spam Calls hidden android features

If you are worried that you will miss important calls then fret not. I have been using this feature for a long time and I can vouch that it works flawlessly. While there are other apps like Truecaller with similar features, you should be wary against handing your data to third-party apps, especially given its shady past record.

2. Verification Code Autofill

Many of us have allowed SMS permission to multiple apps for seamless OTP verification. However, this can lead to serious breach as apps can read all your text messages and also build credit profile without your consent. To crack down on this behavior, Google has brought a new API called the SMS Retriever. It allows apps to capture a one-time code without asking for SMS permission. In case, the app developer has not implemented this API, Google will act as a bridge and provide the verification code. That is awesome, right? So to enable this feature, navigate to Settings -> Google -> Verification Code Autofill and enable the toggle. Make sure you have also enabled the Autofill service by Google.

2. Verification Code Autofill

3. Force Dark Mode on all Apps

While the dark mode is slowly becoming the norm, there are still apps like Facebook and WhatsApp which are yet to embrace the dark side. If you want to force dark mode on a range of apps then there is a hidden Android setting that lets you do it. However, you must be on the latest Android 10 build. To enable dark mode for all the apps, navigate to Settings -> About Phone and tap on the Build Number for seven times continuously. A toast notification will show up prompting "Developer Options have been enabled". Now go back, and search for "Override force-dark" in the Settings page. Tap on the first result and then enable the toggle. Just to be sure, restart your device and check if dark mode is working on all apps.

3. Force Dark Mode on all Apps

4. Focus Mode

Google has brought a new feature called Focus Mode to Digital Wellbeing with the launch of Android 10. While Digital Wellbeing is great at limiting the screen time of various apps, Focus Mode allows you to block certain apps completely so you can focus on what you are doing. To configure Focus Mode, follow Settings -> Digital Wellbeing -> Focus Mode. Here, you can select apps that you find distracting and can enable Focus Mode straight from the Quick Settings panel.

4. Focus Mode hidden android features

5. Share WiFi with QR Code

I know the feeling when someone asks you to share your WiFi's password and you can't seem to remember it. If you use a strong password with multiple hashes and characters then it becomes even more tedious to type it out. In such cases, a QR code can help you seamlessly connect to WiFi networks. Thankfully, Android 10 has this not-so-hidden feature under the WiFi Settings page. Open it and you will find the QR code scanner besides the "Add Network" section. Now, scan the QR code and you will be connected in no time.

5. Share WiFi with QR Code

6. Randomize MAC Address

MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to WiFi-enabled devices including smartphones. Most devices come with a static MAC which can be exploited and used for tracking user movement. So having a random MAC address reduces the chance of tracking and strengthens your privacy. If you are running Android 10 then you can randomize the MAC address from the WiFi Settings page. Tap on the WiFi that you are connected to and open "Privacy". Here, make sure "Use randomized MAC" is your default pick.

6. Randomize MAC Address

7. Force Apps to Resize in Split Mode

Android has some unique features like Split Mode which make it quite distinct from iOS. It lets you run two apps at once so you can effortlessly multitask between them. However, not all apps support Split Mode and that's where this hidden Android feature comes into play. With this feature, you can force any app to resize in split mode, irrespective of the app compatibility. So to enable this feature, open Settings and search for "resizable". Open the first result and enable "Force activities to be resizable". Now, restart your device and you can enjoy any app in the Split mode.

7. Force Apps to Resize in Split Mode

8. Default USB Configuration

If you are someone who regularly connects Android devices to PC then this sneaky feature is going to help you a lot. Android 10 now allows you to choose your default USB configuration. If you transfer files regularly then simply choose the desired settings and you are good to go. To configure USB, open Settings and search for "Default USB" and tap on the first result. Here, choose "File transfer" or any other settings based on your preference.

8. Default USB Configuration (2) hidden android features

9. Private DNS

While Private DNS was launched with Android Pie, it still remains one of the least talked features of Android. It allows you to encrypt your DNS query so no one can read it, not even your internet service provider. You can find the Private DNS feature in the "Network and Internet" settings page. Here, open "Private DNS" and choose Automatic for Google's DNS or you can also select some other DNS providers as well. I would recommend you to go with Cloudflare's DNS.

9. Private DNS

10. Device Theming

Device theming has finally arrived on Android, but it's still hidden under the developer options. You can change the accent color, font and icon shape from a handful of options. To find the desired settings page, open Settings and search for "theming". Tap on the top result and customize your Android device as you prefer.

10. Device Theming

11. Show Taps While Screen Recording

With the release of Android Oreo, Google removed the ability to show taps while screen recording for security reasons. However, the settings to configure taps is still available and hidden under the developer options. Just open the Settings page and search for "taps". Open the first result and enable the toggle. Now, you can record your screen with taps and that's really convenient.

11. Show Taps While Screen Recording hidden android features

12. Capitalize Words Quickly

If you want to capitalize words quickly then Gboard has this nifty feature which is super helpful and I simply love it. Just select the words and tap the "Shift" button twice to capitalize a chunk of words at once. You can also make it lowercase by similarly double tapping the shift button. And if you just want to keep the initials capital then tap the shift button once. That's pretty great, right? So go ahead and type hassle-free with Gboard.

Capitalize Words Quickly

13. Uninstall Multiple Apps

One of the best hidden Android features is that you can uninstall multiple apps at once. It works on older versions of Android as well so that is great. All you have to do is open the Google Play Store and tap on the hamburger menu and select "My apps and games". Here, switch to the "Installed" section and then tap on "Storage". After that, simply select apps that you want to uninstall and hit that "Free Up" button. Voila, multiple apps just got uninstalled in just one tap.

13. Uninstall Multiple Apps

14. Clear Site Storage Using Chrome

Chrome is notorious for accumulating a large amount of data in background which makes the performance worse and also takes up crucial storage space. If you want to check what websites are eating up your memory space then a hidden Chrome setting can help you with that. Open Chrome on your Android device and head over to its Settings page. Now, navigate to Site Settings and open Storage. Here, you will find all the websites with their storage space. Open any website and tap on the "Delete" icon to finally free up your internal storage from unnecessary cached data.

14. Clear Site Storage Using Chrome

15. Street View Layer in Google Maps

Street View is an immersive way to explore places and find new landmarks, hotels, restaurants from anywhere around the world. Now, the Street View Layer has been added to Google Maps and it works pretty well. To check if Street View is available in your region, open Google Maps and tap on the "layer" icon on the top-right corner. Now, tap on "Street View" icon and then zoom out to find blue lines on the map. Finally, tap on the blue lines and Street View will show up for that place. That's cool, right? So go ahead and check out Street View to find some hidden gems around the world.

15. Street View Layer in Google Maps hidden android features

Note: The blue lines show up wherever street view is available.


More info

Takeover - SubDomain TakeOver Vulnerability Scanner

Sub-domain takeover vulnerability occur when a sub-domain ( is pointing to a service (e.g: GitHub, AWS/S3,..) that has been removed or deleted. This allows an attacker to set up a page on the service that was being used and point their page to that sub-domain. For example, if was pointing to a GitHub page and the user decided to delete their GitHub page, an attacker can now create a GitHub page, add a CNAME file containing, and claim For more information: here

# git clone
# cd takeover
# python
wget -q && python

More info
  1. Hacking Desde Cero
  2. Libro De Hacking
  3. Como Empezar A Hackear
  4. Hacking Ético Con Herramientas Python Pdf
  5. Social Hacking
  6. Hacking Attacks
  7. Tutorial Hacking
  8. Ethical Hacking Course
  9. Hacking Books
  10. Brain Hacking
  11. White Hacking
  12. Android Hacking
  13. Google Hacking Database